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By Tamar Homecare | November 29, 2022 | Tamar News

Tamar Care win prestigious homecare award from Laing Buisson.

Tamar Homecare saw off seven major national care providers to win the coveted LaingBussion Homecare Award at a Glitzy Ceremony on November 17th 2022.

Actors and comedians Roni Ancona and Sally Phillips, alongside Former Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Stephen Dorrell, presented the Tamar Homecare team with the LaingBussion Best Homecare Provider at the glamourous ceremony in London. 

“I was genuinely gobsmacked at getting to the final; never in a million years thought our local Plymouth team would be a match for the well-established national providers. Nobody at our table could quite believe it when our name was called out,”

Said Kelly Helme, Registered Manager of Tamar Homecare 

Tamar Homecare Kelly Helme Laingbuisson Tamar Homecare Winners Laingbuisson

We were one of eight finalists for Best Homecare provider, and saw off the competition of seven major national companies, the only local care provider to make it to the final. The award was made for Tamar Homecare, demonstrating “Excellence in the provision of personal care or healthcare in a home setting with a focus on innovation and/or higher acuity services.”

Here at Tamar Homecare, we’re a local Plymouth-based community care provider providing care for people in their homes throughout Plymouth and Saltash, enabling them to remain independent. “Our goal”, said Kelly Helme, Registered Manager, “is to make people’s lives better for both clients and our staff. We work with Plymouth City Council, Cornwall County Council and Private Individuals to provide the best care possible.”

People wishing to find out more about Tamar Homecare’s services should call Kelly on 01752 657 560

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