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Complex care in Plymouth

Complex care
in Plymouth

It’s a common misconception that having complex needs means having to move into a care home. We provide complex care in Plymouth to enable people with specialist needs to live safely at home.

Our team is trained to care for people living with disabilities, complex conditions, or following an accident. We work alongside the wider care team to make sure care is aligned and all parties are aware of the latest developments.

Tamar homecare

Specialist Care include section

What does complex care include?

Complex care involves everything you’d expect from traditional home care, plus specialist services such as tracheostomy, catheter, stoma and bowel care. Our experienced team can support a range of conditions.

This includes, but isn’t limited to:

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neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis or motor neurone disease
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Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, and stroke survivors
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people living with a spinal cord or acquired brain injury
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individuals requiring gastronomy care such as PEG feeding.
Specialist Care Palliative Care

Palliative care

Often confused with end-of-life care, palliative care is for people with life-limiting conditions. It aims to help them manage symptoms and carry out any routine tasks associated with their condition. We can provide palliative care at any stage of life to give you the highest possible quality of life.
Specialist Care end of life section

End-of-life care

People reaching the end of their life often need extra support to manage physical symptoms and pain. Our carers will help to keep you as comfortable as possible, freeing up families to spend more quality time together. We’ll be there for you every step of the way to offer practical, emotional and spiritual support at this difficult time.

We understand that different cultures and religions often influence how people approach the end of life. Our compassionate care will always be in line with your family’s needs and wishes.

Complex care includes:

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Support for neurological conditions
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Dementia care
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Care following acquired brain or spinal cord injuries
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Huntington’s, Parkinson’s and stroke after care
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Catheter, bowel and stoma care
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Palliative care
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End-of-life care

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